Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Giving Thanks

Tomorrow, Thanksgiving is upon us.  And what a wonderful day it is.  Before Black Friday started on Thursday, I feel like it was one of the less commercial holidays and rather just about food, family, football & giving thanks.  I am all about being grateful for the traditional things: good health, family and friends, roof over your head, etc.  However, I'm also trying to think about things I'm grateful for a little differently this year. 

I'm currently in a Beth Moore study called James: Mercy Triumphs.  In Week Five, Day One, Beth asks her readers a series of questions about something you've longed for but don't have.  The last question she asks is, "Has anything good or beneficial come to you or to others as a result of your lack?  If so, list every bit of fruit you can identify or even remotely discern."

I found this interesting as we so often focus on what we don't have and what we're missing out on.  However, when asked to list good things that have come from me not getting what I want, I had a long list complete with amazing travel (which led to even more amazing friends), a part-time gig as a tour guide, and getting the opportunity to take MBA classes.

Later in the study, Beth also makes the good point that God sees a situation in its entire context: not only what currently is, but what was and also what will be.  We sometimes question His decisions because we don't have all of the information He does.  And as my group discussed at study, sometimes you have to look back and be thankful that He didn't give you what you asked for.  Instead, you ended up with something better that you never would have thought to request.  Or you do get what you asked for, but in His timing, not yours.

What are you thankful for this year?  Is there any good in your life that came from not getting what you want or thought you wanted?

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Under Appreciated Male Coiffures, Part 2

Hey friends. Let's talk about the Man Bun.

I can't really pinpoint the moment it happened. I suspect it was when I was watching Sky High and I caught a glimpse of Warren Peace wiping down tables in a Chinese restaurant, hair pulled back, brooding all over the place. Naturally I had to Google the actor who played him to make sure that I was not, in fact, lusting after an actual high school student (I wasn't). Once I realized I wasn't being pervy, I had to tackle my next project: Reevaluating my stance on the male ponytail.

Let me be clear. I don't generally dig ponytails on men. In fact, I typically don't like long hair on men at all (depending on the cut and the man). But there is something about that bun.

Then I found out that Mr. Strait was in excellent company. The Man Bun has been worn by a plethora of celebs. Really REALLY attractive ones, actually. And lest you think that Becks is one-dimensional in his hairstyling habits...

This is a real thing, people. A beautiful beautiful thing. And it's being embraced by all the right people.

Yes. That is Justin Bobby.

However it bears mentioning that not all Man Buns are created equal. There is a fine line between looking smoking hot and looking like a homeless hipster, and that line should REALLY not be crossed. Additionally, a bun too high on the head is a little too ballerin-o (What? There's no word for a male ballerina) for me.

You might be thinking, "Becky, we all know and love the Man Bun. It's far from under-appreciated." And to that I say, you've never met my mother. As it turns out, conservative women of a certain age aren't big fans of Man Buns. It's one of the greatest tragedies of our lifetime. That, and texting while driving (had to add a little gravitas to this post at some point)

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Under Appreciated Male Coiffures, Part 1

Lately, I have become enchanted by the male pompadour.  While there are many variations on this classic style, the truly spectacular are few and far between.

I have tried to ascertain why I find the well done pompadour so attractive and am not completely sure of the answer.  Maybe it's best not to analyze it and just go with it.

Probably part of the reason is due to my love of David Beckham and his love of the hairstyle.  His mastery of the style is so revered that if you search "pompadour" in Google images, he has his own section.


Another part is likely due to the fact that the style exudes confidence.  I have found that while everyone has moments of insecurity, I like those who are self-assured.  While there is a fine line between confident and cocky, I do enjoy a bit of bravado.  If the pompadour could talk, I think it would say, "take me or leave me, but you certainly can't ignore me."

Lest you think that my adoration of this hairstyle is only blog talk, rest assured that I am just as effusive in person.  I came across a wonderful pompadour in the wild just a couple of weeks ago.  I was out with friends and saw a guy with a great one and was transfixed.  After telling my friends how enthralled I was by his hair, I had to take action.  On our way out, I stopped and said something to the effect of, "I just wanted to tell you that your hair is amazing."  He simply thanked me and said, "Cheers."

I will leave you with one of my favorite Bastille songs.  It seemed appropriate since the lead singer, Dan Smith, has been known to rock a pompadour:

Friday, November 21, 2014

The first time ever I saw your blog

Welcome. You are now privy to our wildest adventures and our most philosophical musings.

Why BOOM Crickets? Here's how it went down (the abbreviated Becky version):

Becky: We need a blog name. How about the Pear and the Pomegranate, like our [imaginary] event planning company?

[Julianne takes a long time to respond]

 Becky: Crickets

Julianne: Sounds good. Even better if it's in French. [Which would be La Poire et Le Grenade]

Becky: But then won't people think grenade? Like BOOM.

Becky: BOOM Crickets! That sounds fun.

Julianne: I have to go to some movie or something.

Becky: Fine, but if you leave now, you forfeit all right to participate in the naming of the blog.

Julianne: Okay.

Becky: BOOM Crickets it is.

That's how we roll, I guess. Buckle your seat belts. We're both pretty crazy drivers.