Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Harness Racing, Olympic Swimming & Boy Bands

If you're not familiar with the Enneagram, it's an extremely interesting personality test with nine different types.  I'm a strong Three, but also a pretty strong Seven.  Hence, this quote is a pretty good description of me: "We have named this personality type The Enthusiast because Sevens are enthusiastic about almost everything that catches their attention."

I tend to be easily interested in a wide variety of subjects and can get a bit carried away.  When I saw harness racing on TV, I decided that was my best shot at being a famous jockey and immediately started looking up the rules.  I can't say that I remember all of the intricacies of the sport now but it's good to have dreams.

When I went to the 2012 Olympic Swim Trials, I became completely enamored with the sport of swimming.  I always become obsessed with the Summer Olympics but had never been that into swimming (although I cheered Michael Phelps onto victory in Beijing along with the rest of the country).  After the Swim Trials experience, I read countless articles and read the swimmers' tweets.  I sometimes forget that not everyone gets this in-depth... so I failed to understand why friends couldn't remember that Dana Vollmer had set the world record in the 100m butterfly.

While all of this mania may seem insincere to some, I just really love learning.  Even a subject that doesn't seem fascinating at face value can become so when you start to discover more about it.  And if you like something, why wouldn't you love it?

Plus, there's nothing better than nostalgia about one of your old (but still very alive) passions.  For example, this holiday gem:

Happy holidays everyone.

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