Monday, February 23, 2015

Once Upon a Time: The Unsolved Mysteries

**Spoilers ahead for anyone (cough cough, MOM) who isn't up to speed on OUAT**

1. Where is Nova?

Remember when Dreamy (later Grumpy) hooked up with a fairy and planned to sail around the world but the Blue Fairy and Bossy dwarf talked him out of it? Let's set aside the gross injustice of the situation and ask ourselves this: After the curse was broken, what happened to Nova aka Sister Astrid? WHY ARE THEY NOT MARRIED WITH AT LEAST ONE half dwarf/half fairy BABY? I mean, besides the fact that she's a nun in this world...Which really shouldn't count since she never technically took holy orders or whatever you call them. Plus he's, well, Grumpy, so he could use a little cheer in his life.

2. What's up with Henry's education?

Here's what we know: Time doesn't move forward in Storybrook for any of the people Regina brought over in the curse, or it didn't until Emma broke the curse. But Henry, who was born in our world, ages normally. At what point did he fail to notice that he was getting older and moving up a grade each year and all the other kids were staying the same? Or are we supposed to believe that Regina just wiped his memory every year?

3.Why couldn't Hook and Baelfire stay too?

When Pan cursed Storybrooke and Regina did her little bit where she sort of fixed it except for the part where everyone had to go back to the EF and could never see Henry again, Emma and Henry went to live in New York with their new memories. But I still haven't figured out why Bae and Hook couldn't have stayed. After all, they weren't there as a result of the curse. And, come to think of it, neither was Tiny the giant. Nor was Tinkerbell. Nor was Ariel (who can travel between realms because, you know, she's a mermaid and everything). I realize they were all under a lot of stress, but I can think of a number of ways this whole thing could have worked out better. Most of those people probably would prefer to go back to the Enchanted Forest (as if Ariel was going to leave Eric), but surely Hook or at the very least Bae would have preferred to be with Emma and Henry. Just saying.

4. Speaking of which, what happened to the Lost Boys??

Some of them were probably from the EF, but some of them might have been from our world. Seeing as how Emma promised them a home and families on their return to Storybrook, it would suck pretty hard if they didn't all make the journey back to the EF and ended up living in the woods where Storybrook used to be.

5. Why doesn't anyone seem to notice all the prisoners in the hospital basement?

I get why no one knew Belle was there. After all, she was there during the curse. But afterward? Really? NO one thought it was a little strange that Sidney Glass was relegated to a padded room after he falsely confessed to framing Snow?  Shouldn't he have been in the jail?? And what is up with that Nurse Ratched character? Fo real.

In other news, I'm looking forward to the return of season 4 on March 1st. Because maybe I'll find the answers I'm looking for (please come back, Nova).

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