Friday, March 13, 2015

5 (more) Songs You Need To Hear

Bad Guy
Mindy Smith

For some reason, this song reminds me of my college boyfriend. Basically, Mindy Smith is singing in my language. Plus it's a weirdly cheery song for such depressing subject matter. I'm all about contradictions, so here you go...


C'est L'amour
Rosie Golan

"When I saw him, I felt the room divide into pieces. All the lights danced around us just like stars in the sky. One night in Paris with a man I barely knew. Lost in a moment, c'est la vie, c'est la chance, c'est l'amour." How cute? Bonus points for including some actual French.

Pitter Pat
Erin McCarley

This one is kind of a downer, but sometimes you need to listen to a downer. Because why not?

Afire Love
Ed Sheeran

What's that? You haven't cried yet today? Allow me to fix that for you. Normally Ed Sheeran doesn't really do it for me, but this song had me getting really weepy while I was harvesting sugar pea greens one day, so I had to include it. Any song that brings me to tears and isn't a country song about someone dying gets an automatic 5 stars from this girl. Wait, this song is sort of about someone dying. Whoops. Spoiler alert. Favorite lyric? "And my father and all of my family rise from their seats to sing 'Hallelujah'" The kicker? They're at a funeral. Aaaaaand now my eyes are leaking.

Talk About Love
My Friend the Chocolate Cake

Now that your eyes are good and lubricated, here's one of my all-time faves. Weirdly touching. Not what you'd call a "normal" song, but with a band name like that, you didn't think it would be, did you?

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