Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Blonde & Violet

Sometimes I give the appearance of not really thinking before I act.  And while sometimes it's the case that I feel I should immediately realize whatever idea just came to me, a lot of times I have been thinking but haven't necessarily clued everyone else in.

Case in point: I went with a friend a couple of years back to watch her get her barbell piercing on her ear redone.  Internally, I'm thinking how I really like my tragus piercing and how I'd like to have something done on my other ear but not quite the same thing.  So while we're at the tattoo parlor, I mention to the piercer that I think I might want to get my daith pierced, surprising my friend since she knew nothing of my thought process.  And 20 minutes or so later, we both had some new holes in our ears (or in her case, old holes remade).

And now I have done it again.  After considering it for months, I finally went for it and had some of the underside of my hair dyed purple. And you know what?  I love it.  In some ways, it's more intense than I was expecting, but in others it's even cooler than I imagined.  And depending on how my hair lies, it's not actually that dramatic.  Most people at work didn't even notice (or didn't say if they did). 

Here's the thing: hair color, piercings, they're not forever.  If you get sick of your hair, you can dye it back or cut it all off.  If you dislike a piercing, you take it out and deal with a little scar tissue.  If it's something that could negatively impact your life or others, then maybe that's a risk not worth taking.  But if your work dress code isn't against it and the inner you has a little purple in her hair, then why not?

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