Saturday, January 10, 2015

Love Your Barista, Love Your Life

I don't know if I've ever met a barista I really disliked.  I mean, it's hard to hate someone who's made you a delectable coffee drink especially when you know they probably started working at 5am or some other ridiculously early hour.  Plus, most of them just seem really cool.  Maybe it's all just an act or an illusion, but it totally works.

I mean, I know I'm capable of making my own coffee (and I sometimes do).  And yes, I know it's kind of ridiculous how much they charge for beverages.  But here's the reality: whatever I make at home is never going to compare to the wonders that the barista can create.  Plus I just really love coffee shops.  They almost all have great atmospheres and great energy.  I tell myself that I get the most schoolwork done in them although that may be a lie I tell myself in order to justify my addiction.

Regardless, each coffee shop and barista has a small piece of my heart.  I don't go to just one coffee shop because while I do love being a regular at places, I can't bear to commit myself to just one.  First, there's my former office building's Starbucks.  I miss seeing the baristas' faces and hearing about their lives but don't worry, we will meet again.  Nothing compares to a grande Starbucks iced coffee with skim milk and classic syrup in the summertime.  Then, there's the coffee shop just a few blocks away that has the coolest female barista who works the weekday morning shift.  You are just so chill.  Then there's the newish place I haven't been to in a while.  But don't think that means that I don't have a crush on the barista there because I totally do.  I'm not even really sure if he's straight but barista love knows no bounds.  There's the coffee shop that I go to for the awesome atmosphere more than the drinks.  And there's the place I frequented when I lived in my old apartment.  I still stop by occasionally for my favorite pumpkin drink that they'll make me year-round.  Finally, there's a local chain that makes the most delicious drinks and just might be my favorite in town.

They all have their perks, their drawbacks, their idiosyncrasies and I love them all.  And there's still so many left to discover.

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